Advice and information on applying for social housing, which is housing provided by the council and housing associations.
We receive many enquiries from people looking to rent a home in the borough. Like other boroughs, we have a shortage of homes compared with the number of people who need them. Therefore, we encourage you to continue searching for privately rented accommodation in order to obtain suitable housing.
New applications will be assessed based on the housing allocation policy. (PDF) [537KB] . We do not have discretion to make decisions outside of this policy.
Before filling in an application form, you need to think about who you want to include on your form and the evidence you will need (PDF) [102KB] to support your application. This will be checked when assessing your application.
If you're not eligible or do not qualify for the waiting list, there may be other housing options available.
If you meet the criteria, you can register using the link below.
Giving false information (for example, claiming you have children living with you when you don't), is committing housing fraud. We recognise our duty to protect the public resources that we administer. Misrepresentations will be referred to our corporate fraud team for investigation, and where appropriate, legal action will be taken.