Velma Jackson High


Friday, September 20, 2024Course Description ACT Prep is a course that allows students to prepare for the college entrance tests with a primary focus on the ACT test. This class is designed to help students improve their ability to score well on the test as well as familiarize them with the components of the test. The purpose of this one-semester class is to help prepare college-bound students to score adequately on the test and/or to raise their scores to a higher level. With a renewed emphasis at the local, state, and national levels to improve test scores, ACT Prep is a course that was created to improve those scores. Through a rotation, students will spend half of each semester studying the content of two of the ACT subtests: English and Math. This rotation will allow students to work with me (English) and Dr. Miller (Math). During the first full week of school, the students will take a pretest in each subtest to help determine what skills and knowledge are needed to be improved in order to boost their overall score. Students in the course will also have the opportunity to practice other skills that are essential for success on the ACT such as pacing, test-taking strategies, learning test vocabulary, and discovering ways to reduce test anxiety. From the tests that the students take, they will discover their weak areas, and they can work specifically on those areas to improve their scores. If they really work hard and try to improve by taking these tests, they will find that their scores will improve. The more they practice the ACT tests, the better they will become. Well-prepared students are more likely to score higher on the ACT, which may increase their chances of receiving scholarships and enable them to have more options when selecting a college. Standards A link to the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards can be found here: Logistics





1 st Offense – Verbal warning

2 nd Offense – Written warning

3 rd Offense – Parent contact

4 th Offense – Office referral

Note: Serious offenses (profanity, threats, fights, extreme disrespect, etc.) deem an immediate office referral.


Listen to music using earbuds while working independently.

Grading Scale

Grading Policy


Three-ringed binder (1½”)

Other materials may be requested upon need.